Trials relevant for aHUS patients around the world

One of the best ways to keep up to date with clinical trials relating to complement inhibitors and aHUS is to browse the website.
Entering “aHUS” in the search box on its home page reveals 58 trials of relevance of which 23 have aHUS/TMA/ECulizumab/Complement Inhibitors in the title. Click here  to see the list .
The status of the trial is indicated to show which are completed and which are still recruiting. The current number 6 is recruiting for the STOPECU trial in France which aims to create a decision making algorithm for withdrawal decisions.
Moving on to 16 and 17 on the list are two other trials testing out new complement inhibitors and which are still recruiting too.
There is also a trial for secondary aHUS resulting from stem cell bone marrow transplants.
Click on the description header and more detailed information can be found about the aims of the study and the qualifying criteria for enrollment.
It is worth dropping in on this site from time to time to see what is new, although the alliance will feature such items in the news too.

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