We’re excited to announce the release of this new book:
Silver Lining: Overcoming Adversity to Build NephroPlus- India’s Largest Dialysis Provider (author: Kamal Shah)
Kamal D Shah takes readers on his journey from a diagnosis of atypical HUS and kidney failure to co-founding NephroPlus which grew to become not only India’s largest dialysis centre network but expanded to over 320 dialysis centres across 4 nations.
This book is an inspiring and unique mix of entrepreneurial spirit and exceptional achievement combined with the challenges of living with aHUS, such as an unsuccessful kidney transplant and knowledge built upon more than two decades of Kamal’s experiences as a dialysis patient himself.
As one of the world’s largest sites for readers and book recommendations, GoodReads states about ‘Silver Linings’,
“This is a unique business memoir, with a strong, moving touch of the deeply personal. Kamal writes with raw honesty about pain and fear and the darker side of healthcare in India. Yet this is also a story of faith, of grit and determination and, ultimately, of success.”
Available to order now on Amazon (India) in both Kindle and hardcover format, also available as a Kindle format in the USA/ worldwide on Amazon. The publication date for Silver Lining: Overcoming Adversity to Build NephroPlus- India’s Largest Dialysis Provider is set for 22 May 2023.
Penguin Books, publisher
Language : English
Hardcover : 288 pages
ISBN-10 : 0670097969
ISBN-13 : 978-0670097968
In addition to being a Trustee of aHUS Alliance Global Action and a founding member of the global aHUS Community Advisory Board, Kamal has also spoken on behalf of aHUS patients at the United Nations and is co-author on a KDIGO publication regarding ESKD.
Harris DCH, Davies SJ, Finkelstein FO, Jha V, Donner JA, Abraham G, Bello AK, Caskey FJ, Garcia GG, Harden P, Hemmelgarn B, Johnson DW, Levin NW, Luyckx VA, Martin DE, McCulloch MI, Moosa MR, O’Connell PJ, Okpechi IG, Pecoits Filho R, Shah KD, Sola L, Swanepoel C, Tonelli M, Twahir A, van Biesen W, Varghese C, Yang CW, Zuniga C; Working Groups of the International Society of Nephrology’s 2nd Global Kidney Health Summit. Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of universal health coverage. Kidney Int. 2019 Apr;95(4S):S1-S33. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2018.12.005. PMID: 30904051.
FMI on the advocacy efforts of Kamal Shah, view our websites articles:
Perspectives in aHUS: Creating Opportunities & Meeting Challenges – Interview with Kamal Shah of India
Kamal D Shah: a aHUS Voice United Nations NGO for Rare Disease Action (Dec 2016, Inaugural mtg NGO)
Dialysis Diaries: a 4 part Series (author, Kamal Shah) aHUS & Long Term Dialysis, Diets & Fluids, Heart Problems, Long Term Complications
Dialysis Olympiad: 4th Edition held in New Delhi, India (April 2023)
aHUS Community Advisory Board: Goals & Members https://bit.ly/GlobalCABaHUS