Can a kidney transplant cure aHUS?

A kidney transplant used to be contraindicated for those predisposed to aHUS. Although it could have been successful for some depending on their genetic susceptibility, most would lose their kidney graft. Often very quickly. When complement inhibitor eculizumab became available, it was possible for those most at risk to have a transplant.

A kidney transplant can trigger aHUS, but cannot cure it, Ellen.


It can replace some kidney function, much more than is available to those on kidney dialysis but not as much as having two fully functioning kidneys. But more than sufficient to have a full life.

How much kidney function becomes available depends on factors other than aHUS . But what is known is that overall more function is achieved in those whose aHUS transplant was supported by eculizumab ( prophylactic) from the outset of the operation, than for those who got eculizumab as a rescue therapy when aHUS was triggered following the transplant.

The research that led to the above conclusion was stimulated by aHUS questions which produced the Global aHUS Patients’ Research Agenda.

For a kidney transplant to be part of a cure in some aHUS people, their liver would need to be replaced too. It is the liver that often produces the mutated Complement components that are the cause of aHUS.

How to resolve the mutations without replacing the liver is another question.

Article No. 493

Here are some past articles on the transplant question:

aHUS transplants simplified

Article No. 387 13 October 2020 This website has featured several articles* about the topic of  aHUS Transplants and their need for  eculizumab support. These articles have provided some of…CONTINUE READINGaHUS transplants simplified

aHUS Kidney Transplant-More insights

aHUS Kidney Transplant-More insights

Article No. 378 22 September 2020 aHUS and kidney transplants is an important research topic for aHUS patients with end stage renal failure. aHUS alliance Global Action has featured several…CONTINUE READINGaHUS Kidney Transplant-More insights

That aHUS transplant question

That aHUS transplant question

Article No. 330 8 March 2020   Although it is becoming less of an issue for many these days because the advent of eculizumab/ Ravulizumab saves them from it,  but…CONTINUE READINGThat aHUS transplant question

Transplants, aHUS and eculizumab

Transplants, aHUS and eculizumab

The alliance has frequently featured articles about kidney transplants for those with aHUS. It was its top topic identified as a priority for research that matters to aHUS patients ,…CONTINUE READINGTransplants, aHUS and eculizumab

aHUS Transplants-Abstract Video

aHUS Transplants-Abstract Video

The aHUS alliance affiliates put the question: Is there a significant difference in outcome between having a complement inhibitor before or after a kidney transplant? at the top of its…CONTINUE READINGaHUS Transplants-Abstract Video

Transplant research answers that matter to aHUS patients

Transplant research answers that matter to aHUS patients

These days a kidney transplant may not feature much in the thoughts of new onset aHUS patients, most of them can be saved from a life of chronic end stage…CONTINUE READINGTransplant research answers that matter to aHUS patients

ERKNET: aHUS and transplants

ERKNET: aHUS and transplants

ERKNET’s website hosts a programme of webinars ( live talks over the  internet) about Rare Renal Diseases . The talk today was given by Professor Marius  Miglinas , Head of…CONTINUE READINGERKNET: aHUS and transplants

Transplant and aHUS Risks

Transplant and aHUS Risks

The aHUS Alliance was invited by the aHUS Registry Scientific Board to say what matters most to patients in aHUS research. The alliance’s response to that invitation is well documented…CONTINUE READING

Transplantation and aHUS – a top topic

Transplantation and aHUS – a top topic

Transplantation of aHUS dialysis patients is a priority and  top topic for the aHUS alliance. Transplantation of those with aHUS  has been a challenge, not just clinically because of the…CONTINUE READINGTransplantation and aHUS – a top topic

Before or after , with or without- transplant decisions need data

Before or after , with or without- transplant decisions need data

Anyone, who has been involved in aHUS patient advocacy for some time, will be aware of the special place that those patients, whose  aHUS has left them with chronic kidney…CONTINUE READING

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